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“Meirim Neshamot” In Honor of Lag Baomer & Matan Torah The Second Single From Elchai

“Meirim Neshamot” In Honor of Lag Baomer & Matan Torah The Second Single From Elchai

After releasing a new arrangement for the song Magash Ha’Kessef, singer Elchai is releasing a new song that he wrote in anticipation of his upcoming debut album. Elchai is an artist who write and composes his own Israeli/Jewish music. “Meirim Neshamot” is a personal song, and a kind of deliberate compass, which brings man back to his small and real moments far from the hustle and bustle surrounding him. Meirim Neshamot is the second single from the debut album that bears the name of the song, which Elchai wrote. A small song that conveys great powers of soul.

On his debut album he intertwines touching ballads with upbeat songs that he has written and composed himself. He is 26 years old and was born in Yerushalayim, and he conducts and boys choir. He is also a teacher, and serves as a Madrich in a high school in Yerushalayim.

Click PLAy below to hear the album

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ElchaiMagash Ha’KessefMeirim Neshamot

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