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After Years In Choirs: Moishy Roicher Launches His Solo Career

After Years In Choirs: Moishy Roicher Launches His Solo Career

Here is the first single from the upcoming album from singer and Baal Tefilah Moishy Roicher called Gesher Tzar M’od.

Roicher is well known in the Music Business in Israel as an esteemed member of various singing and cantorial choirs. He left Israel three years ago to America and became involved with performing with some of the major Chassidic choirs. He also invested a lot of time taking voice lessons from one of the major vocal coaches in New York. Recently, he has returned to Israel and began to actualize his dream–the production of his first solo album.

“When you sing in a choir, the crowd enjoys it tremendously, but your ability to express yourself as an individual singer is very limited. When I sing, I want to give my listeners my entire heart and soul, and this is only something that I find possible to do as a solo artist.”

Roicher, who has already performed alongside major singers such as Michoel Schnitzler, Lipa, and Moti Shteinmetz is very excited about this song, because he composed it about a year ago during difficult personal time, yet the message of R’ Nachman remains the same.

Moishy stood out already at a young age when he used to sing in children’s choirs.
“I grew up on authentic Chassidic music, but my soul was drawn towards the style of R’ Shlomo Carlebach. I love soul music and feel the feedback of the crowd much more during Kumzitzes. It will still take some time before I am able to finish the album, and the response that I receive on this song will indicate to me which style I should continue with.”

Composition: Moishy Roicher
Arrangement: Itzik Filmer
Mixing and Mastering: Avi Zano
Vocal Production: Michael Tzi
Musical Production: Yaakov Rothblatt, Yisrael Roicher

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Gesher Tzar M'odMoishy Roicher

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