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New Musical Clip: R’ Aaron Sitbon “Adon Olam”

New Musical Clip: R’ Aaron Sitbon “Adon Olam”

His friends know him as a Chabad Chassid, who spends him time split between his home in Yerushalayim and where he was born in France.

In France specifically most people know him as Gilbert (Aharon) Sitbon. When he was only 20 years old, he began to perform his songs in France, and he quickly merited success that sent him over the borders of France into other countries in Europe. His tens of recordings became hits, and were sold in hundreds of thousands of copies, and he became one of the popular radio singers in France.

Right in the middle of all of his success though, right when they wanted to send him on a massive concert tour, he began to desire something more and decided to give up his dream and give himself over to studying Torah. Since then, people have come up to him and begged him to keep recording and performing. His dream was realized though in his son Dovid Sitbon, who is now a well-known Chassidic singer at events and Smachot.

Aharon Sitbon never imagined a situation where he would return to the recording studios, as he got so much out of learning Torah, and the music didn’t leave him with anything lacking in his life. He was suddenly inspired though by a song that was composed by a French friend of his, Mishel Fogen. Aharon then grabbed his guitar which was gathering dust in his storage cabinet, grabbed his siddur, and put the tune to the words of Adon Olam.

Composed by: Mishel Fogen

Produced: Yuval Stofel

Videography and video editing: Ayal Tzion

Tags assigned to this article:
Aaron SitbonAdon OlamMishel Fogen

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