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Mordechai Yitzhar featuring Yitzchak Meir in “Im Eshkacheich”

Mordechai Yitzhar featuring Yitzchak Meir in “Im Eshkacheich”

Mordechai Yitzhar is continuing to work on his new album. After last Succos he released his single “Harachaman”, in which he guest featured a duet of the singers Sinai Tor and Binyamin Landau—he is now releasing another single, this time in honor of Yom Yerushalayim.

Im Eshkacheich is a soulful song written under the best of both western and eastern traditions, which will touch you because of the Persian Tar of Moshe Shelo and the violin of Nir Motzri, which was combined and produced under Eran Klein. Mordechai is joined vocally in the song by his younger brother Moshe Baumel and his good friend Yitzchak Meir.

With regards to the production of the album, which will be packed with duets, Mordechai said, “In this album, I wanted to include a lot of people, I feel that my music needs to come out with the help of a strong group of friends. This is what is particularly special about music, that its possible to connect many voices and types, which creates a special musical mosaic.”

Mordechai received the tune for the song suddenly on Tisha B’av ten years ago, a few days after he got engaged. Originally he wanted to put it different words, but he realized that the words he had chosen were too sad, even though they were appropriate for a tune composed on Tisha B’av. He then decided to change it to words that expressed both the sadness of not having Yerushalayim, but also the continued hope for its return and rebuilding. At that point, the words of Im Eshkacheich simply fell onto the tune. The song is being released in honor of Yom Yerushalayim, and this is his present to the city, which he loves so much and sings in weekly.

Enjoy listening!

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