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Efraim Mendelson Returns With An All New Album

Efraim Mendelson Returns With An All New Album

His career began over a decade ago, and was very successful. Efraim Mendelson (“Havei Dan”) was a big star who was forced to lie low because of burning copy’s was hurting his album sales. This new album “Shiri Nafshi 2” is the second kumzits style album in the Shiri Nafshi series. He released the first Shiri Nafshi album about a year and a half ago. The album featured 20 amazing tracks divide the album into four sets of songs: The first set is songs of Tefilla, the second set is songs of Neshomo, the third set is songs of Choson V’Kallah and the final set of songs of Simcha with some newer hits like Shefa Rav, Ki Heirbeisa and Bezu Hashoah. Mendelson gave us the track below to debut to the world, and if that wasn’t enough the album also features a NEW yeled hapella. The new album will be out in a few weeks. Check back here for more info.

Click PLAY below to hear the song Be’ien Meilitz Yosher

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(Photo by – Mendy Ohr Radio Kol Chai)

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Efraim Mendelson

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1 comment

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  1. Yehuda
    Yehuda 10 November, 2015, 23:41

    Why would people burning CDs force him to lie low?
    In any case, claiming that CD sales were hurt b/c of Yidden burning CDs is pure speculation and borders on being Motzi Shem Ra. Be careful there.

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