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Limited Tickets Still Available!



Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills presents Avraham Fried, Baruch Levine, Eitan Katz and the NY concert debut of 8th Day. Featuring Master of Ceremonies Nachum Segal. Motzei Shabbos December 20th 2008 @ 8:30pm at the Kupferberg Center at Queens College. Music by the Neginah Orchestra conducted by Steve Bill. Concert chairman Yosef Poplack , Concert Coordinater Sharon Ganz, A Dove Productions. Tickets available at; Queens-Gift World, Flatbush-Eichlers, Crown heights-Judacia World, Boro Park- Hi Tech2000, Cedarhurst-Judacia Plus. tickets also available online @ Separate and Family seating available. Ticket prices; $25, $36, $54, $72, $100, & VIP. For tickets, group sales and sponsorship information call 718-261-4130. Jewish Insights winner of 2 tickets is Rochell!

Tags assigned to this article:
8th DayAvraham FriedBaruch LevineEitan Katz

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Write a comment
  1. mordy
    mordy 18 November, 2008, 21:37

    nice website

  2. mordy
    mordy 18 November, 2008, 22:32

    nice website please ad me in the raffle

  3. elisha
    elisha 18 November, 2008, 22:38

    i am pumped for this concert i try to check this website for info every day and i love it please put me in the raffle

  4. akiva
    akiva 18 November, 2008, 22:46

    please put me in the raffle P.S love the makeover

  5. Yak. W
    Yak. W 19 November, 2008, 00:02


    That’s very cool

    please put me in for the raffle

  6. Esty
    Esty 19 November, 2008, 11:33

    I love this website and I love concerts! Please put me in the raffle for the free tickets.

  7. Sruly
    Sruly 19 November, 2008, 20:26

    Great website.. great work…
    Keep it up

  8. moshe
    moshe 20 November, 2008, 00:26

    i love the website!! please put me in the raffle.

  9. mbsk
    mbsk 20 November, 2008, 01:44

    looks like a good one- please add me in the raffle

  10. moshe  prtr
    moshe prtr 23 November, 2008, 15:46

    please add me in

  11. srully
    srully 23 November, 2008, 15:48

    love this site

  12. yaakkov
    yaakkov 23 November, 2008, 15:49

    good concert

  13. Meira
    Meira 30 November, 2008, 00:37

    Please add me to the raffle

  14. srulchick
    srulchick 3 December, 2008, 18:59

    whens the raffle

  15. tuli
    tuli 5 December, 2008, 14:37

    please add me in the raffle

  16. Jacob
    Jacob 16 December, 2008, 19:29

    Please add me for the raffle for 2 Tickets! Love the website.

  17. Meir
    Meir 17 December, 2008, 15:47

    Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the raffle…

  18. rochel
    rochel 17 December, 2008, 15:50

    love the website…. cool raffle…

  19. musicaly
    musicaly 18 December, 2008, 02:00

    thanks for such a great way to keep up! pleasae enter me into the raffle.

  20. bukin86
    bukin86 18 December, 2008, 09:58

    Thanks for doing such a great job!

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