Yossi Green presents: POMEGRANATE-the song

the song
Music & Lyrics Composed by: Yossi Green
Produced by:Yossi Tyberg & Yossi green
Vocals Performed by: Michael Ian Elias & Yossi Green
Music Arranged by: Iilya Lashinsky & Yossi green
Music Programmed, Performed & Mixed by: Ilya Lashinsky
Bass Performed by: Dany Flam & Ensemble
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This song/video was debuted Motzei Shabbos December 19th, 2009 by the Kulom Ahuvim Live! Concert
click to view “the contest” by Yossi Green
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Where can I watch the video?
not jewish and weird
Sue – I’m just curious, how is a song not Jewish? Did it not have a bris? Yossi Green IS Jewish music. End of story.
THIS SONG STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Yossi Green’s music. We need another album! Please come to New York/New Jersey area and perform!