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Yitzy Waldner With A New Single & Video “Eimosai”

Yitzy Waldner With A New Single & Video “Eimosai”

As we near the three weeks, we begin to contemplate this long, drawn out galus we find ourselves in. Although we believe Moshiach can come at any moment, with the world in turmoil, we ask the question that the Ba’al Shem Tov asked Moshiach, “Eimosai Ko’osi Mar – When Will You Come?!”

I thank Hashem for giving me the inspiration to write this emotion in song. May we all merit that today be the day Moshiach comes.

Composed, written and performed by: Yitzy Waldner
Music arranged by: Ravid Kashti
Piano recorded by: Rafi Greidi
Vocals recorded at Studio Six, Lakewood NJ
Mixed & Mastered by: Ravid Kashti
Video produced by: Aim Creatives
Executive Director: Mordechai Fligman
Cinematography: David Chait
Lighting assistant: Yehuda Jacobs
Production assistant: Avrumy Silberstein
Editing & Color Grading: Hershy Segal
Design and PR:

ואף על פי שיתמהמה עם כל זה אחכה לו
אימתי הער מאן געשריי קים באפריי
אימתי קאתי מר
When will it be,
When we will see,
The day you’ll set us free?
ואף על פי שיתמהמה עם כל זה אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא

Tags assigned to this article:
afi GreidiEimosaiRavid KashtiYitzy Waldner

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