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Yitzy Bald & The New York Boys Choir (NYBC) Proudly Present “B’simcha” [Official Music Video]

Yitzy Bald & The New York Boys Choir (NYBC) Proudly Present “B’simcha” [Official Music Video]

NYBC is back at it again! They’re always looking for ways to make people happy.
This Purim holiday season, New York Boys Choir, one of the most refreshing and creative sounds in the Jewish music scene, under the leadership of renowned producer Yitzy Bald, film producer/ video editor Shuie Septimus, and musical producer and arranger extraordinaire, Doni Gross of DEG Productions, team up, to present this awesome, fun-filled, and inspiring music video/audio clip,
entitled “B’simcha“.

In this music video/audio clip NYBC depicts the story of Purim in such a fun-loving way. Conceptualized by Yitzy Bald, and filmed and directed by film producer/ video editor Shuie Septimus, this music video/audio clip, “B’simcha“, is sure to get you singing & dancing.

Produced & Composed by: Yitzy Bald
Music Production: Doni Gross
Musical Arrangements: Doni Gross
Video Production: Shuie Septimus
Video Editing: Shuie Septimus

Soloists: Dovid Berlin, Tzvi Yehuda Ehrman, Binyomin Gitnik, Meir Richter, Eitan Schafler
Choir Producer & Director: Yitzy Bald
Recorded at: DEG Studios Brooklyn NY
Mixed and Mastered by: Doni Gross
Shot on Location: Mercaz Hasimcha, Rabbi Jay Horowitz

Special Thanks to: Mrs. Berlin
The Parents of the Choir

We love our fans so much, that we are making “B’simcha”, the single, available as a free download in honor of Purim.

Please download it, copy it, play it, share it, and spread the joy of Purim with this awesome track!


La La La Yehudim
Oirah Hoysa Oirah
Oira, Simcha, Sosson, Vikar

Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Oy B’simcha, B’simcha — B’simcha
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Oy B’simcha, B’simcha —
Whah Ah Oh, Whah Ah Oh, Whoah

Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Oy B’simcha, B’simcha — B’simcha
Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Oy B’simcha, B’simcha —
Whah Ah Oh, Whah Ah Oh, Simcha

Come visit us:
youtube channel: yitzybald York Boys Choir artist page
Instagram: newyorkboyschoir
Instagram: yitzybald

For Concerts, Performances, Booking Information,
General Information, and Auditions,
please call 718-471-1828 / 917-225-3113
E-mail [email protected]

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