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Yisroel Werdyger song Teaser

It is our privilege and honor to introduce to a new album, Bayis Ne’eman Beyisroel, presented by Gershy Moskowitz.

A full sampler of the album should be available within a week Iy”h.

The album will, with Hashem’s help, be in stores before Yom Kippur.

The title track, Bayis Neeman Beyisroel was composed by Motti Ilowitz, a fresh new composer who already managed to sell songs to many great artists including Lipa Schmeltzer and Shloime Taussig.

Bayis Neeman Beyisroel is the first song Motti ever sold, and he composed it for his own wedding.

Included in this post is a short clip of the title track.

Other songs in the album were composed by Yossi Green, Pinky Weber, Baruch Levine, Meshulem Greenberger, Shragie Gestetner, Shauli Brach, Lipa Schmeltzer who I was I introduced to at the Cruise on the Hudson this past August composed the song Kivinu Kol Hayom for my album, and more. The arrangements were done by a very well known and respected arranger in Eretz Yisroel, my dear friend Shua Fried. Shua’s musical talent is hard to define in a sentence or two but one thing for sure: he also knows what NOT to put in.

This album is the first album carrying the banner of TEEM production.

Yossi TEEberg and and Gershy Moskowitz have “teemed” together to create what is certain to be a new frontier in Jewish music. The combination of Gershy’s enthusiasm and Yossi’s experience and the multi faceted talents that they bring to the table have brought this album to a new level.

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Teem ProductionYisroel Werdyger

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