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Yisrael Lubin Presents “Hitgalut” A New Album From Nemuel & Dani Avidani

Yisrael Lubin Presents “Hitgalut” A New Album From Nemuel & Dani Avidani

One big Chassidus, two friends joining forces for a musical production, with adult and children’s choirs, three years of work, four recording studios, tens of musicians, hundreds of recording hours, and ten songs. When you put them all together in one album, you get what is considered to be one of the most interesting projects in the world of Chassidic music in the past few years.

Hitgalut, is both the name and the concept of the album. It is a juncture of old and beloved Niggunei Chabad, set to new music and arrangements. The album features the incredible production talents of Dani Avidani, with the beautiful vocals of Nemuel.

Click PLAY below to hear the sampler

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נמואל - תמונת יח''צ(2)

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