Yaakov Feldstein releases new single, “No Disabilities”, benefitting Camp HASC

Camp HASC is the world’s premier Jewish camp for individuals with special needs, and serves close to 350 campers with autism and a wide range of intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities. Unless you’ve seen it with your own eyes, it’s hard, no- IMPOSSIBLE, to imagine the magic, happiness, laughter, love, and care that emanate from every person at HASC. They say in HASC, “miracles happen every day.” As someone who HAS seen it with my own eyes, and one who is incredibly fortunate to spend my summers partaking in it, I can assure you that that is a fact.
The campers of Camp HASC are faced with daily challenges having nothing to do with their diagnoses. The world around them chooses to be repulsed by them, or at best ignore them, for no reason other than the fact that they may look, act, or sound different. But each and every person with disabilities is a manifestation of purity, innocence, and truth. They are just like you and me, and deserve to be treated as such. Their bodies delicately hold their untainted souls, and we should feel indebted given the opportunity to know and interact with people who are so much greater than us, whose voices can be heard vouching for us in heaven.
The lyrics of this song were written from the perspective of such a person, expressing their view of the outside world and elaborating on the freedom they feel as soon as they step foot in the place that is affectionately and accurately known as “Heaven On Earth.”
Given this depiction of Camp HASC, it is clear that it is a place where the campers all have disabilities, and are taken care of accordingly, right? Wrong. One who witnesses the magic factory in action can instantly understand that every camper is perceived, loved, and fostered for what they CAN do, not what they can’t, and that therefore there are, in fact, No Disabilities in Camp HASC.
Proceeds go to Camp HASC.
The link to the song on iTunes is: iTunes.com/yaakovfeldstein
It is also available on CD Baby, Amazon MP3, Google Play, Spotify, Shazam, Beats Music, Rhapsody, MySpace Music, iHeartRadio, and more.
“No Disabilities”
Composed by Yaakov Feldstein
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Jeff Horvitch, Jerusalem, Israel
Produced by Aviator Studios, Flushing, NY
Distributed by CD Baby
Cover Photo by Yehuda Joffe
Cover Design by Avi Stahler
Promotional Design by Adina Levitan
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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As the leaves rustle in the breeze, I sit among these trees and wonder why
Why do they think they’re the only ones who can live and love, play and have fun but not I
Day in and day out they stare
If only I can find a place where everybody cares
And sees the ways in which we are the same
To let them know that we are all playing the same game
And all that I need is for you to hold my hand, show me what I can be
And all that you see here are the things that hold me back fade away and disappear
There are angels who watch over me and take care of all the things I need at HASC
Clothe me, feed me, love me, the difference between them and me is a mask
You think I’m somewhere where butterflies sing
But you don’t realize they’re singing all around you
Please don’t leave me to the hands of time and fate
‘Cuz everything changes now as I walk through that gate
And all that I need is for you to hold my hand, show me what I can be
And all that you see here are the things that hold me back fade away and disappear
Now that I’ve found my home, I can show the world what I can become I’ve known
I can walk, talk, dance and sing, I can do anything on my own
Now they listen to what I have to say
There’s no shortage of miracles that occur here every day
Just watch the smiles that heal all who walk by
Then see the one on my face as I spread my wings and fly
And all that I need is for you to hold my hand, show me what I can be
And all that you see here are the things that hold me back fade away and disappear
No disabilities…
And all that I need is for you to hold my hand, show me what I can be
And all that you see here are the things that hold me back fade away and disappear
‘Cuz there are no disabilities in Camp HASC
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Awesome Song!
Awesome Cause!
AMAZING!!!!!! So inspiring!! Keep doing what your doing because your doing it great!! (Kasirer family)