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Tuvie Eichler Release A Heartfelt New Single “Ki Gadol”

Tuvie Eichler Release A Heartfelt New Single “Ki Gadol”

Singer and songwriter, Tuvie Eichler, hot off the release of his latest hit single Yehei Rava is back with a haartzig ballad sure to warm up those long winter days. Tuvie came across these beautiful words from davening (originally from Tehillim).

He connected really strongly to the possuk. He then decided that he wanted to share the message with the world through Niggun.
The meaning of the words are that Hashem does wondrous  things, He alone is G-d, and we, His people, will give thanks forever from generation to generation.

Despite what’s going on in this crazy world, HaShem is always right there and we will always thank Him forever and ever.

Composed and sung by Tuvie eichler
Mix and mastered: Yoel Weiss
Cover Art: Shani art
Produced: Tuvie Eichler

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Ki GadolTuvie EichlerYehei Rava

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