Tefilas Hachuppah Reimagined By Eli Seidenfeld
Two years ago, at my niece’s wedding Levi Falkowitz, together with Mendy Hershkowitz Band, sang this hidden gem called Tefillas Hachuppa from the Miami Boys Choir. After hearing the beautiful niggun, I was surprised it hadn’t gained more popularity. Somehow it had been overlooked between Yerachmiel Begun’s all time classics and his latest hits. Since then I’ve wanted to record it on an adult key with additional harmonies. I hope I did it justice.
Vocals: Eli Seidenfeld
Produced/Mixed/Mastered: Dima Graziani
Composed by: Yerachmiel Begun
Originally Recorded: Miami Forever!
Album Cover Art: Esti Seidenfeld
Graphic Design/Music lyrics Video: Adina Cahn
Photography: Chaya Kessler
Musical Consultant: Dovid Dachs
Special Thanks: Shmuli Weinstock, Yoel Weiss
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