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Tag "Yehuda Galili"

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R’ Mordechai Gottlieb – Golui V’yadua [Album Sampler]

After three years of hard work, renowned composer R’ Mordechai Gottlieb who is known for his beautiful kumzits style of compositions is finally ready to release his long awaited debut album. The album is produced by long time music maven

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Shmuel Honig Presents: The Yemenite Song From The Boston Rebbe “Yona”!

Singer Shmuel Honig is releasing his second single called Yona, from his upcoming debut album. Honig was the attendant to the Bostoner Rebbe for many years. The song was arranged by Yehuda Galili, and together with David Taub managed to

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The Highly Anticipated Album “Noam 2” is Finally Here!

Immediately following the amazing success and outstanding feedback of their first album, Mechon Noam wasted no time and began the process of working on the follow up album. Produced and directed by JJ Fried Productions. The new album titled Noam

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​Introducing: “Nussach Green” Avremi Roth & Friends

Introducing: “Nussach Green” Avremi Roth and friends A first glimpse at the new and intriguing project from Yochai Kfir and Yossi Green A few years ago, one of the fortunate composers in Jewish music, Yossi Green, was present at a

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Shabbos Nusach Green Is Almost Here!

WHERE DID THE INITIAL IDEA TAKE ROOT? Yossi Green, whose songs are the subject of this project, explains that it all began as a whim when producer Aron Zisser decided to arrange a Shabbos getaway at the Leonardo Hotel in

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Kobi Grinboim Releases His Debut Single “Hamagid”

After many years in the music industry, in which thousands of Chattan’s and Kallot have gone under the chuppa, after a wide range of stages in the country, after performing worldwide in huge performances and prestigious dinners, the successful singer

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