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Tag "Tzvi Blumenfeld"

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Ben Torah – Hershy Rottenberg and Shira Choir

The Baal Ha’Tniyeleh is now a Ben Torah. He’s been biking to events for quite a few years, with a guitar on his back and a passion for music. He’s been singing and entertaining crowds with famous tunes, and from

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[Audio Preview] Sruly Meyer Presents: Chaim Dovid Berson – Ten Lanu Chaim – Debut Album

Chaim Dovid Berson is set to release his debut album! Produced by Sruly Meyer, this album features 11 incredible songs which showcase a wide range of musical styles. It includes upbeat, contemporary songs to slow hartziga ballads. Chaim Dovid‘s powerful

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Une’saneh​ ​Tokef​ ​-​ ​Freilach​ ​Band​ ​ft.​ ​Shmueli​ ​Ungar​ ​&​ ​Yedidim​ ​Choir

As we near the Yamim Nora’im (The high holy days), here’s something to get you into the Rosh Hashanah state of mind. This video was recorded on August 30, during a wedding at the Atrium Ballroom in Monsey, N.Y. A

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The Freilach Band Chuppah Series – Mi Adir & Mi Bon Siach ft. Shmueli Ungar, child soloist Yossi Weiss & Yedidim Choir

Next up in the Freilach Band Chuppa series, where we bring you high-quality videos from some of the magnificent Chuppahs at which Freilach Band performs, watch this stunning Chuppah which was performed live in Ateres Chaya on June 8, 2017

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Gershy Schwarcz Presents: Meilech Kohn – Yeder Einer [Audio Peview]

Meilech Kohn has been one of the most popular Jewish Music personalities to emerge as of late. The time has finally arrived to showcase his diverse collection of art, compiled in one of the greatest albums of the 21st century.

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Freilach Band Chuppah Series – Achas & Mi Bon (Mona) – Moti Ilowitz, Avrum Chaim Green & Shira Choir

Next up in the Freilach Band Chuppah series, where we bring you high-quality videos from some of the magnificent Chuppahs at which Freilach Band performs, is a magnificent chuppa performed live in Ateres Avrohom. Watch vocalist Moti Ilowitz and child

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Freilach Band Featuring Beri Weber & Yedidim Choir [LIVE AUDIO DOWNLOAD TRACK]

Freilach Band Featuring Beri Weber & Yedidim Choir Now available on all streaming platforms and for free as a digital download! Seven of the latest hits from all-around the Jewish Music scene, uniquely rearranged by the

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Menachem Moskowitz “Shmoi Shel Melech” [Audio Sampler]

Shmoi Shel Melech is the debut album of Menachem Moskowitz. After working hard on this album for three years it is finally released. Some of the best names in Jewish music have taken part in the production of this album,

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Meheira ft. Freilach Band, Benny Friedman & Meshoreim Choir

Performed live at a recent wedding in Terrace on the Park, enjoy this first live rendition of “Meheira” featuring Benny Friedman and Freilach Band. Released on Benny’s latest album “Fill The World With Light” just a few weeks ago, Meheira

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Benny Friedman – Fill The World With Light Full Audio Preview!

It’s been two years since Benny Friedman released Kol Haneshama Sheli, and the time has come for something brand new! That something is Fill The World With Light, Benny’s 4th studio album. In the almost ten years since Benny rocketed

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