Tag "Pinchas Bichler"
Back to homepageThe Orot Band Presents: “Lomir Machen Kiddush” With Sruly Lipschitz & Malchus
“The OROT Band“, the peak orchestra of the Chassidic keyboardist Shai Barim serves an authentic performance of the contemporary hit ‘Lomir Machen Kiddush‘, which took place at a recent wedding in Kfar Rimon, Bnei Brak. The soloist is none other
Chodesh Adar – The month of Simcha is on the horizon, and the Lchaim Music team is hard at work finalizing a Brand New album that’s filled with Simcha: ‘Lchaim Simcha Tish with Malchus Choir’! And it’s about to be
Read MoreHershi Segal Presents: A Royal Wedding With Zanvil Weinberger
Hershi Segal, the keyboardist who brought the electronic storm to Chassidic dancefloors, is presenting for the first time his performance together with Zanvil Weinberger and Pinchas Bichler.
Read MoreZanvil & Dovid Hamelech’s Violin – The Moving Performance with Malchus Choir & Yanki Rubin
Zanvil Weinberger performed the classic Yossele Rosenblatt piece Shofar Shel Mashiach. He was accompanied as always by the Malchus Choir conducted by Pinchas Bichler, as well as the orchestra of Yanky Rubin. The performance was from the Aish Tamid dinner,
Read MoreThe Malchus Choir, Yoely Dickman & Avremi Roth “Seret Vizhnitz Medley”
Here is the last episode of the series Kehillot Ha’Kodesh from the Malchus choir, conducted by Pinchas Bichler, accompanied by the symphony orchestra of Maestro Yoely Dickman, with singer Avremi Roth. This episode features a Viznitz Medley with some of
Read MoreR’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz With A New Song “Mizmor L’soido”
Every year, R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, takes part in the Simchas Beis Hashoeiva at the Mir’er Yeshiva and delivers a keynote speech in which he presents his view on some of the most burning issues in the Jewish world. The
Read MoreOn The Occasion of The Outbreak of World War II: “Ani Maamin” Featuring Malchut, Dickman & Avremi Roth
The Modzitzer Ba’Al Menagen R’ Ezriel Dovid Fastag connected strongly to the song Ani Ma’Amin, during his recent trip to Treblinka. In commemoration of the day the second world war started, 17 Elul, the Malchus choir and the symphony orchestra
Read MoreZanvil Weinberger & Malchus Choir – Hoshiu
After turning the Bobover niggun in to a major hit, Zanvil Weinberger and the Malchus choir, under the direction of Pinchas Bichler, are bringing another hit from the house of Vizhnitz. Pinchas Bichler‘s production and arrangement, together with the electronic
Read MoreThe Malchus Choir of London Performs with Motty Ilowitz “Modim” – Acapella!
The Yiddish melody, “Modim,” composed and performed by Mordechai Ben David, was given an additional performance, in a new an refreshing way for the sefira days. Under the baton of Pinchas Bichler with the Yiddish artist from the United States,
Read MoreThe Malchus Choir Visits The Hebrew Music Museum In Jerusalem & Performs “Haleluya”
In the heart of Jerusalem’s Nahalat Shiva neighborhood is the Museum of Hebrew Music, which opened to the general public a year ago. The only museum of its kind, reveals a glimpse into the world of the various musical instruments
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