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Tag "Nachman Seltzer"

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[Exclusive] Shira Chadasha Boys Choir: Al Hatorah – The Torah Album. Coming Lag Baomer

Nachman Seltzer and the talented boys from Israel’s very own Shira Chadasha Boys Choir are back with an all new album “Al Hatorah – The Torah Album”. This album, their fourth (Acheke Lo, Arayvim Zeh Lozeh & The Chanukah Album)

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IT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU VOLUME 2: More Real Stories about Real People

A world of excitement: Armed only with prayer, a Jewish family makes its way through the dark African jungle. A world of inspiration: He was a confused, angry teenager looking for meaning. And then he met Rav Avigdor Miller, sitting on a

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[JI EXCLUSIVE] Yaakov Shwekey: Back to The Beacon – Review & photos

By Yossi Zweig Photos by: PhotoDynamics Last night was my second time in the famed Beacon Theatre. I was there for the Yaakov Shwekey: Back to the Beacon show. There is just something very magical about the Beacon Theatre and

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Yakov Shwekey to perform at Libi Bamizrach

A little over a month after Yaakov Shwekey concluded an impressive week in Caesarea with two performances, which summarized the first decade mostly in his successful career, he returns to Israel with a NEW show promoting his latest album “Libi

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ONE SMALL DEED CAN CHANGE THE WORLD: True stories of everyday encounters with extraordinary results

We all want the blessings of peace and harmony. What this remarkably enjoyable and transformative book shows us is that those blessings, and many more, often begin with small words of greeting or a tiny act of kindness. One Small

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The OJ Band & Choir “Aleinu”

This is a recording of an original song called “Aleinu” written by Avromi Meyer, Chanina Wolf, and Shalom Bienstock. My friends and I recorded it under the direction of Rabbi Nachman Seltzer as a project at Yeshivas Ohr Yerushalayim. Check

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It Could Have Been You : Real Stories about Real People

It Could Have Been You: Brand new, inspirational stories about people like you Good stories are entertaining. Inspirational. Illuminating. Very good stories are electrifying. Stimulating. Unexpected. The very best stories are life-transforming. Nachman Seltzer‘s stories are the very best. When

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