Tag "Meyer Klatzko"
Back to homepageEileh Varechev | אלה ברכב – Benzion & Luzy Klatzko
Psalms 20:8-10 captures the eternal truth that while nations rise with their chariots and armies, seeking to destroy Israel, they inevitably fall, while the Jewish people endure through their trust in God. From the Egyptians who enslaved the Israelites to
Read MoreLishuascha | לישועתך – Benzion & Azarya Klatzko
This evocative piece draws its inspiration from Bereishis 49:18, “For your salvation I do long, Hashem,” a poignant verse embedded in Jacob’s blessings to his son, Dan. The words of Yaakov prophetically predict the future, portraying the life of Shimshon,
Read MorePurim Zamru – Klatzko Family Original Song
The streets were filled with singing and dancing! The Jewish nation had been saved by another Amalekite, the wicked Haman. With the slow and careful build up and preparation for events to come, Vashti was killed, Esther became queen and
Read MoreLuzy and Meyer Klatzko – K’shem Shenichnas LaBris
Luzy and Meyer Klatzko are two out of eight sons in the Klatzko family. Their father, who studied Milah under Rabbi Benzion Krohn, was privileged to perform the mitzvah on all of his sons. Chazal teach us that anyone who
Read MorePoseach Es Yadecha | Luzy & Meyer Klatzko | Tomche Shabbos of Rockland | Ashar
Tomche Shabbos of Rockland County assists community members who are struggling financially, by providing food packages, humanitarian grants and job training, as well as other support through various programs designed to offer emergency intervention and the hope for a better
Read MoreAMEN – The Scheiner Experience – Luzy and Meyer Klatzko – Composed by Benzion Klatzko
In order to truly understand Monsey, one simply has to go to the “Scheiner Shul” on 18 Forshay Rd, and experience the warmth and acceptance in this diverse hub of our community. As a person who has lived in many
Read MoreKuma Hashem – Meyer Klatzko – Composed by Benzion Klatzko
Meyer Klatzko is the youngest out of the 11 Klatzko children. He is well known in the Torah world as the star of a weekly column in the popular children’s magazine, “The Circle” as the boy from each “Open House”
Read MoreAdir – Luzy Klatzko & Meyer Klatzko – Composed by Benzion Klatzko
Since Covid began, Rabbi Benzion Klatzko has been releasing his many beautiful compositions to the world. It is amazing how one person can compose music in so many different genres! The key to Rabbi Klatzko‘s music is in the heart
Read MoreRefaeinu – Klatzko Family – Composed by Benzion Klatzko – RCCS
Performed by Gavriel Klatzko and Meyer Klatzko Composed by Rabbi Benzion Klatzko Musical Arrangements by Yisroel Ament Video by Benzion Klatzko Made for RCCS – Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society. https://www.rccscancer.org/ Words from the Amida (Shmona Esrei) רְפָאֵנוּ ה’ וְנֵרָפֵא, הוֹשִׁיעֵנוּ
Read MoreKlatzko Family ft. Elazar and Meyer – Yekum Purkan [Official Music Video]
Did you ever see a movie or video portraying Orthodox Jews in a negative light? Lately, people who have had trauma (which we know happens to members of every race, culture, and religious group) have cashed in by publishing books
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