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Tag "Mendy Portnoy"

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TYH Nation Presents: Keser Melucha – Yoely Klein & Shaya Gross

The request for this song came from the Heilige tzaddik the Mezibezer Rebbe, Rabbi Rosenbaum, who envisioned a song that could be sung with his chassidim as they gather together for Rosh Hashana. The words express the excitement and anticipation

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Three Little Words – Avraham Fried & Yossi Hecht – Asher To The Yatzar

We are all faced with challenges that can sometimes feel overwhelming. Even through we understand that it is ultimately for our best, it takes courage and strength…. These “three little words” are testimony to the fact that not only do

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Eli Marcus – Ahavti [Official Music Video]

Now Streaming Everywhere: Credits: Executive Producer: Ilan Schnitzer Music: Composed by: Elchanan Elchadad Produced & Arranged by: Mendy Portnoy Choirs by: Neshoma Choir Mixed and Mastered by: Shai Sivan Video: Produced & Directed by: Dovid Weinbaum DP: Studio On

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TYH Nation Presents Kos Yeshuos – ​Zusha – Farbrengable Studios

TYH Nation Presents Kos Yeshuos – כוס ישועות @Zusha Music Farbrengable Studios Our newest release is written to the timeless words from Havdallah. ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר: כוס ישועות אשא ובשם ה׳ אקרא: Rav Hirsch writes that the

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A New Song & Music Video From Mordechai Shapiro: Achas

With the upcoming release of his new album, superstar Mordechai Shapiro releases the title track “Achas.” The song is a moving single, the theme song of the album on the way, accompanied by a routine video, just like Mordy. “Achas”

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TYH Nation Presents: Pharaoh in Pajamas – Shlepping Nachas

By always remembering you’re Hashem’s child, you never lose touch with your childhood joy. “Pharaoh in Pajamas” is all about happy riffing on that nursery rhyme about Yetzias Mitzrayim. It’s the ultimate throwback, with a captivating rendition by the inimitable

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TYH Nation Presents: Adam – Moshav

Adam Eitz Hasadeh, The rebirth of trees is really a mashal for the rebirth of each individual person. Like a tree while still fully immersed in the cold season, we can sense the sliver of light, the beckoning call of

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Shuvu Banim | Moshe Auslander | TYH Nation (Official Lyric Video)

Chazal tell us that every day a heavenly voice, a Bas Kol, calls out to every Jewish soul, proclaiming, “Shuvu Banim Shovevim, My wayward children return to me.” Sometimes we hear that voice stirring our soul to connect to G-d,

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Mameh | Avraham Fried | TYH Nation (Official Music Video)

Dear Friends, I am excited. Really excited. After the big hit Abba, you now get Mameh. A beautiful heart stirring song about Mamah Rochel. Composed by the fabulous Blumstein -Thank You Hashem- brothers. I’m honored that they invited me to

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Chazal tells us that our judgement is signed on Rosh HaShana and sealed on Yom Kippur. The Zohar HaKadosh teaches that we can still do teshuvah until Hoshana Rabbah. But the Baal Shem Tov revealed that even if we slept

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