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Tag "Mendy Jerufi"

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The Amazing New Acapella Album (His 3rd!) From Meir Ben Dror

A Capella artist Meir Ben Dror is at it again. in 2021 Ben Dror released his debut acapella album called Tamid Imcha, and a year later he released his second one. He is now proud to present his third album

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Mendy Jerufi Renewing The Classic Song “K’She’Yavo”

Renowned Chabad singer Mendy Jerufi is releasing a special version of the classic song K’She’Yavo of Avihu Medina. The song was arranged by David Bittan with Yaniv Balas on the mixing.

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The New Duet: Meir Ben Dror Hosts Mendi Jerufi

A Capella artist Meir Ben Dror is present a special duet in a new single called Keren Orah, together with Mendy Jerufi. The song was arranged by Leib Levitan.

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Shimon Vaknin Hosts Mendy Jerufi, Avishai Eshel, Moshe Dawik, Erez Yehiel, Shimon Sibony, Dadid Shiro & Eliran Elbaz – Bar Yochai Hu Melech [Official Music Video]

Here is an incredible cooperative effort to release a truly special song in honor of Rashbi and Lag Baomer, featuring Mendy Jerufi, Avishai Eshel, Moshe Dwick, Erez Yechiel, Shimon Siboni, David Shiro, and Eliran Elbaz. The song is called Bar

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Ani Oh Atah – Udi Damari Feat. Mendy Jerufi

Producer Udi Damari is featuring singer Mendy Jerufi in an exciting new single to the words of R’ Menachem Mendel from Kotzk, called Ani Oh Atah.

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Mendy Jerufi – Lech – New Single

Singer Mendy Jerufi saw the protest signs “Lech” and chose to compose a song with the lyrics from the Nach, which was musically arranged by Ami Cohen.

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Energetic LIVE Performance Shloimi Meisler ,Listig Band & Negina Choir

The world renowned singer Shloimi Meisler of Antwerp, Belgium, who has gained an incredible prominence and is a fixture at weddings, and at any given occasion alike, presents a real hit, energetic music video. Meisler who grew up and resides

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Nemouel Harroch & Mendy Jerufi – One Shot – Lo Yemalet | The First Video Of Its Kind: Tzevaim Productions

Chabad singers Nemouel Harroch and Mendy Jerufi together with international keyboardist Leibeleh Lipsker and saxophonist David Assaraf are releasing a video clip, the first of its kind. This is a “one shot” clip of the song Lo Yemalet from Boruch

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The Chabad Project of The Chagim – Ki Rega B’Apo: Mendy Jerfui Hosts Nemouel Harosh, Yoni Shlomo, Israel Jerufi & Simche Friedman

Mendy Jerufi got together a bunch of Chabad singers, including Simche Friedman, Nemouel Harosh, Yoni Shlomo, and Yisrael Jerufi to refresh an old Chabad niggun, as part of Jerufi‘s project to increase awareness of Chabad songs. The song is called

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Yoni Eliav ft. Yedidim Choir – Wedding Medley 2020

Everyone knows Yoni Eliav and his amazingly energetic band from their live performances as well as their popular videos. Each year for the last four years Yoni and his band has release a medley of some of the biggest his

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