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Tag "Lubavitcher Rebbe"

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Celebrating the Legacy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe with the Release of “Spread Light”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  July 8, 2024 — Bringing together two internationally acclaimed artists in honor of Gimmel Tamuz, the yahrzeit of the revered Lubavitcher Rebbe, ZY”A, TYH Nation is  proud to announce the release of the soul-stirring song, “Spread Light.” 

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The Rebbe’s Nigunim #2 – Trailer

In the early 1950’s the Lubavitcher Rebbe reintroduced and taught 14 Nggunim that ​ became k​nown affectionately as “The Rebbe’s Niggunim​.​”​ Each melody is special​, whether it is the tune of the rebellious general Shameil or the​ Nigun that was

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Storm the World – Behind the Scenes of the All New Album

“STORM THE WORLD” A MUSICAL EXPRESSION OF THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE’S LIFE AND TEACHINGS For more than two decades, Rabbi Ruvi New dreamed of a musical odyssey with a greater meaning, one that would perpetuate the words of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

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Mendy Jerufi & Eyal Twito – Ki Lekach Toiv

On Shavous everyone wishes each other a Chag Sameach. However, the Lubavitcher Rebbe would add a special greeting, he would say “Kabbalas HaTorah B’Simcha U’B’Pnimiyus.” This single was composed by Mendy Jerufi, features a duet between Mendy and Eyal Twito

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Thousands show solidarity at Universal Studios Hollywood for Chabad of the Valley’s Chanukah at CityWalk

Thousands showed up to join Chabad of the Valley’s Chanukah at CityWalk, an annual fixture on the L.A. calendar and the international Jewish music circuit, despite prevailing security concerns following the recent massacre in San Bernadino. Security was heightened with

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Chabad with Moshe Laufer: Volume 2! [Download + Preview Available]

Words are limited; a wordless nigun has no bounds. The outpouring of one’s heart cannot be constrained in language, it needs the wordless nigun to express and stirone’s spiritual essence. It is with this thought that we present our new

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Chesed Dominates Finale: Tzivos Hashem’s ‘Jewish Kids Got Talent’ II a resounding success

Photos by: Baruch Ezagui The Tzivos Hashem ‘Jewish Kids Got Talent’ competition drew to a close yesterday at the Tzivos Hashem dinner which took place at the Hilton New York. The highlight of the beautiful dinner, attended by over 400

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After last year’s raging success, Tzivos Hashem announces ‘Jewish Kids Got Talent’ II

After last year’s raging success, Tzivos Hashem announces ‘Jewish Kids Got Talent’ II Tzivos Hashem is excited to announce the launch of this year’s ‘Jewish Kids Got Talent’ competition. Once again, Tzivos Hashem – Jewish Children International, is looking for

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