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Tag "Edgware Studios"

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NACHAS Releases New Single In Anticipation of Chanukah “Miracle”

Just in time for Chanuka, NACHAS is back with a festive single. MIRACLE Composed by – NACHAS Produced by Gershy Schwarcz – Edgware Studios Buy and stream today!

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Beri Weber – Lev Nishbar [Official Audio]

Enjoy this beautiful song “Lev Nishbar” composed by the Mashpia Reb Shloime Hoffman. The Mashpia, Reb Shloime Hoffman, approached the Baal Menagen and Rosh Yeshivas Koichvei Ohr Reb Beri Weber and presented him with a beautiful song “Lev Nishbar”. Beri

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A Shtikele Tosfos – Motty Ilowitz

A brand-new lyrical composition, written and composed by Motty Ilowitz. Motty wrote this song for his grandmother who is suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, known as ALS. The cause of this terrible disease is unknown and, unfortunately, this condition can

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Chaim Green Releases New Single In Honor of Shavous “Buchar Buni”

In honor of Kabalas HaTorah, and in time for Shavuos, comes a brand new song! Chaim Green is back, with an exciting single, composed special for Shavuos. The hot new song, “Buchar Buni” was composed a few years ago for

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Beri Weber – Lama Remix 2019

Here is a remix of one of Beri‘s compositions performed with the LPR band in 2018 (see link: This year Beri decided to bring out his feelings in this song Lama in a whole new genre, something that he

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Eliyahu – Chosen Nation

On October 27, 2018 a lone gunman walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue, killed 11 people, wounded 7 and left a community in shock and a nation in disarray. I was reminded of a very awakening experience that I had when

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