Tag "Chasdei Lev"
Back to homepageChasdei Lev Presents: Benny & Shulem – The Rebbi’s Medley (Featuring The Songs Of Yitzy Waldner)
Chasdei Lev is proud to announce the release of “The Rebbi’s Medley” featuring the songs of Yitzy Waldner, performed by the globally renowned Shulem Lemmer and Benny Friedman; and a dynamic music video to accompany it. For the past five
Read MoreBenny Friedman Releases New Song and Video: Rebbi, It’s All From You!
In recent years, Chasdei Lev has released a number of inspiring songs and music videos, depicting the real life impact of our Rebbeim, teachers, and Moros. Today, we’re excited to release a new hit song and music video starring world-renowned,
Read MoreChasdei Lev Presents: Shea Berko Feat. Avrumi Berko – Moireh Rabbach [Official Music Video]
Wedding superstar brothers Shea and Avrumi Berko collaborate to bring you a brand new hit song that will surely get you up and dancing! These inspiring words of the Mishnah in Pirkei Avos (Perek ד’ Mishnah ט”ו ) portray the
Read MoreThank You Rebbi Feat. Benny Friedman & Yitzy Waldner – Chasdei Lev (Official Music Video)
A musical production that follows the lives of three successful Talmidim and explores the impact their Rebbeim had on their lives. Join along as we pay tribute to our Mechanchim who are not only the heroes of their Talmidim, but
Read MoreChasdei Lev Presents: Thank You Rebbi – Benny Friedman & Yitzy Waldner
Benny and Yitzy collaborate once again to bring you a beautiful production… So sit back and enjoy! To our dear Rebbi and family, This song expresses our deep appreciation to you for dedicating your life and career to us. The
Read MoreIt’s a Rebbe’s Life – Benny Friedman – Chasdei Lev
Chasdei Lev, a non-profit organization which helps Rabbeim and their families enjoy their Yomim Tovim with the financial Menuchas Hanefesh which they so deserve, partnered up with some amazing musical talent to release an uplifting new song. Enjoy this video,
Read MoreIt’s a Rebbe’s Life – Benny Friedman – Chasdei Lev
Enjoy this new track, and make sure to go to: https://chasdeilev.org for more information. Find out how you can help with Chasdei Lev! Produced by Yechiel Schron Composed and directed by Yitzy Waldner Lyrics by Miriam Israeli
Read MoreMy Dear Rebbe – Featuring Benny Friedman with Yitzy Waldner
Dear Klal Yisrael, During these unique and challenging times and especially over Pesach, we realize how much our children gain from our Rabbeim. Please enjoy this music video set to My Dear Rebbe by Benny Friedman and Yitzy Waldner. Chasdei
Chasdei Lev, a non-profit organization which helps Rabbeim and their families enjoy their Yomim Tovim with the financial menuchas hanefesh which they so deserve, partnered up with some amazing musical talent to release a beautiful new song in time for
Read MoreMy Dear Rebbe – Featuring Benny Friedman with Yitzy Waldner
Chasdei Lev Presents MY DEAR REBBE featuring Benny Friedman with Yitzy Waldner Produced by: Yechiel Schron Composed by: Yitzy Waldner Lyrics by: Miriam Israeli Arranged, mixed, and mastered by: Avrumi Berko Vocals Recorded at: Studio 6 Backup Vocals by: Yedidim
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