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Tag "Aviad"

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Now Available In Acapella: Aviad – “Lichyot”

About a month ago Aviad released a new single called “Lichyot”, which he wrote and composed . He is now releasing it in a vocal version for sefirah. The vocal arrangements were done by Effie Sheiner.

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Electronic Hip-Hop: Aviad In A New Single – “Anachnu Tovim”

Approximate 3 months ago, Aviad, singer and songwriter from Nachliel in the Binyamin region, released the song “Am Yisrael Chai”. It was a huge success.Aviad is now releasing a new single in the electronic hip hop style that is meant

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Aviad Lifts Morale “Am Yisrael Chai”

Singer Aviad Deref is releasing a brand new upbeat single called Am Yisrael Chai, full of energy and morale and Achdus and Ahavas Chinam. The song was written and composed by Aviad and his son, and arranged and produced by

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Aviad With A New Pop Single With A Mediterranean Feel “Kmo Shehashemesh Oleh’

Singer Aviad is releasing a new single called Kmo Shehashemesh Oleh, together with Effie Scheiner, who co-wrote, composed, and arranged it together with him.

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“Lizrom” The New Single & Video From Aviad

Aviad is releasing a new single/clip called Lizrom, which he wrote and composed together with Adiel Weinstein, Alon Hillel, and Ariel Kapach, arranged and produced by Yonatan Friedlander.

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Singer And Composer Aviad In A New & Optimistic Single – “Rak Od Ketzat”

Aviad, singer and artist with a wide assortment of musical styles, is now releasing a new single called Rak Od Ketzat, written and composed by Aviad himself, and arranged and produced by Avi Tal.

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Banu Shuv – Aviad Deref With A New Single In Honor Of Yom Yerusholayim

After his successful debut single Lichvodecha, and several other successful singles thereafter, singer Aviad Deref is releasing a new song about Yerushalayim, composed by Yonatan Shachar, and produced by Maor Shoshan.

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