Tag "Ani Maamin"
Back to homepageZevi Kaufman – Ani Maamin (Official Lyric Video)
Please enjoy my latest musical release “Ani Maamin“. I composed this song ,as an attempt to ensconce an emotional interpretation of the pining of the collective Jewish people, as well as our personal yearnings for the Geulah. In unnatural times,
Read MoreSIMCHA LEINER | Kol Hakavod Acapella Album Sampler! ALL SOUNDS MADE WITH VOCALS!
The album can be downloaded by visiting http://www.SimchaLeiner.com/music It will be streaming on Spotify and Apple Music later this week. Throughout the recent Coronavirus times, Simcha Leiner has emerged as the face of joy and inspiration. With daily livestream performances
Read MoreMeilech Kohn Releases New Single “Ani Maamin”
Singer and composer Meilech Kohn just released a new song with the words “אני מאמין באמונה שלימה בביאת המשיח,” accompanied by a video of a sand painting/art by artist Aharon Zeev Bernstein.
Read MoreElchonon Boruch With A Song of Chizuk – I Believe [Lyrical Video]
With all the chaos going on in the world now, with social distancing and the unfortunate closing of schools, yeshivas and Shuls, we can you use some chizuk. That is why singer and songwriter Elchonon Boruch is releasing a new
Read MoreRaphael Ben In Tribute To DEDI “Ani Maamin”
French/Israeli singer Raphael Ben is releasing a cover of the famous Dedi song Ani Maamin originally recorded on his “Bitchu Bashem” album. Raphael is currently working on his debut album, which will be released in the next few months. This
Read MoreAni Ma’amin – Accapela – Yedidim Choir
An uplifting Ani Ma’amin Mashup/Medley preformed at the Kapayim Fundraiser in Williamsburg 1) Ani Ma’amin originally performed by MBD on Moshiach Album 2) Ani Ma’amin composed by Dudi Kalish originally performed by Avremi Roth On Belz מלכותו נצח album 3)
Read MoreOn The Occasion of The Outbreak of World War II: “Ani Maamin” Featuring Malchut, Dickman & Avremi Roth
The Modzitzer Ba’Al Menagen R’ Ezriel Dovid Fastag connected strongly to the song Ani Ma’Amin, during his recent trip to Treblinka. In commemoration of the day the second world war started, 17 Elul, the Malchus choir and the symphony orchestra
Read MoreAni Maamin – Shir V’shevach Boys Choir
Just over two years ago, a 12 year old composer from Toronto presented us with the beautiful song Esa Einai, sung by Benny Friedman and recorded on his Kol Haneshama Sheli album in a duet with Shlomo Simcha. Now, this
Read MoreA T.I.M.E. For Celebration – Camp HASC Celebrates 30 Years!
Last Sunday night a momentous event took place in Manhattan, NY at the David Geffen Hall inside the famed Lincoln Center. The annual Camp HASC (Hebrew Academy for Special Children) concert celebrated three decades of spectacular events, and more importantly,
Read More6000 Strong Sing – ANI MAAMIN – A Team Orchestra – Kinnus Hashluchim 5777-2016
Ani Maamin Featuring: Benny Friedman, Eli Marcus & Nemouel Harroch The Chabad Kinus Hashluchim takes place once a year with 5000 Chabad Shluchim and their supporters flying in from all over the world to the Brooklyn navy pier for a
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