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Tag "Ahreleh Samet"

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Samet, Daskal, Malchus, Glili – Chasoif

The mythological Chasoif from the King of Jewish music MBD which never lost any strength or effectiveness, is now receiving a brand new cover. Ahreleh Samet and Yanky Daskal got together for their first ever duet, joined by the Malchus

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Bar Mitzvah Boy Donates Song In Honor of The Release of R’ Shalom Rubashkin

Yoely Klein produced a song in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of his firstborn son, which will take place tonight. However, because of the exciting news last night, instead of releasing it in honor of his sons Bar Mitzvah, he

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Naftali Schnitzler Presents: Mulei Simcha 2 Preview [Audio Preview]

Naftali Schnitzler just released a new album called Mulei Simcha 2. It is a Purim themed album, worked on by some of the most talented musicians and singers, including Shloime Taussig, Betzalel Gold, Shimmy Engel, Ahreleh Samet, Yoely Klein, Yissachar

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Hamenagnim presents: DIRSHU MEDLEY

Here is the full and exciting event of the Siyum Daf Yomi of Halacha from the Dirshu Organization on ONE DVD. It was six hours of Simcha and Kedusha-filled moments, recorded in the Yad Eliyahu hall on 4 Nissan, 5775

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