The Summer’s Hit “Chavrusa” Debut single “Hisnari”
Prodigies appear and disappear every year… This time, without a doubt the next big thing taking the Jewish music world by surprise is a “chavrusa” between two artists. A combination of two child prodigies, both of whom are incredibly talented.
The first child prodigy, Daniel Kritenberge is better known as the lead singer of “Kinderlach“. In recent years, he has starred in musicals throughout the country as well as performed at weddings. His new “chavrusa”, Shlomi Ben-Abu a talented student from the choir named “Malachim” who competed against many rivals in Israel and abroad. Behind the special pair are the musicians Rafi Biton and Shmulik Yeshurun.
The debut song “Hisna’ari“, this song is a special song with the atmosphere of Tisha B’Av, the boys sing to Jerusalem, with the words of “Lecha Dodi“.
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