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Singer & Songwriter Shauli With A New Single “Hashiveinu”

Singer & Songwriter Shauli With A New Single “Hashiveinu”

Enjoy this new release by singer/songwriter Shauli. “Hashiveinu” was composed 20 years ago and is finally making its way to the public. “This song has always held a special place in my heart and I hope the words and melody of this song will inspire those listening”.
Dedicated in memory and zechus of R’ Shimon Ben Rachma z’l

השיבנו ה’ אליך ונשובה חדש ימינו כקדם

You can find this song and other music by Shauli on Spotify.

Composed and arranged: Shauli
Drums: Glenn Wellman
Viola and Violin: German Dmitriev
Guitar and Keys: Shauli
Mixing and Mastering: Alex Emrich

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