The next generation in Jewish music is about to begin! Never has there been such anticipation for a debut album as there currently is for the release of SIMCHA LEINER‘s first album.
After being discovered around the world by thousands of listeners and viewers, Simcha quickly became an in demand singer and Baal Tefilah.
Produced by Yochi Briskman, Simcha is finally ready to release his debut album. With much deliberation, a selection of 10 incredible songs were chosen and arranged to the utmost degree. Featuring songs written by Yitzy Waldner, Yochanan Shapiro, Yoily Dickman, Elimelech Blumstein, Yochanan Gordon, and Simcha himself. With arrangement by Yanky Briskman and Udi Damari.
The album will be distributed by Aderet Music and should be in stores hopelly by Monday. Until then enjoy the audio sampler below.
Click PLAY below to hear the audio sampler
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