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Shea Mendlowitz Presents: Moshe Mendlowitz – Nostalgia [Audio Sampler]

Shea Mendlowitz Presents: Moshe Mendlowitz – Nostalgia [Audio Sampler]

Real Jewish music fans know that that is nothing compared to the song and hits of yesteryear. That is why after appearing on Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz’s SHIR album, and after releasing two solo album, veteran singer Moshe Mendlowitz is proud to release his latest masterpiece. Though his main bread and butter is in the real estate business, music has always been rooted deep in his heart. The new album presented by Sheya Mendlowitz is entitled Nostalgia: Reminisce with Moishe Mendlowitz. This new album features the BIGGEST hits of yesteryear including hits from; Amudai Shaish, Dudi Fisher, London School of Jewish Song, the Rabbi’s Sons, The Messengers and Toronto Pirchei amongst others. Nostalgia also features one new song entitled Yehi Rotzon written by Moshe’s father R’ Sender Mendlowitz composed in honor of the wedding of his oldest grandchild. The album features arrangements from Yisroel Lamm, Yoily Dickman and more as well as some soul stirring choirs and children choir.

Nostalgia: Reminisce with Moishe Mendlowitz is being distributed by Aderet Music and available in stores now and on for download.

Click PLAY below to hear the sampler

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