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Singer/Songwriter Roi Yedid Haleluya The Fourth Single From His Upcoming Third Album

Singer and composer Roi Yedid is releasing a new single that is new and different from the Chareidi music viewpoint. Roi wrote the lyrics himself, which shows how talented and creative he is, aside from being a fantastic singer as well. Roei’s friends, Elad Dagan, Dovid Biton, and Eldad Ratzon, from the Invei Ha’gefen band did the musical production on the single. In the meantime, he is hard at work on his third new album, from which “Haleluya” is the fourth single to be released, while simultaneously performing at weddings throughout Israel and the rest of the world, together with the Invei Hagefen band, which he has been doing now for the past 13 years.

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Roi Yedid

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1 comment

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  1. chaim
    chaim 3 June, 2014, 16:42

    The words to this song might be new but the song itself is from a very guyishe song so besides being different from chareidi viewpoint well its not

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