Presenting: The iPhone Song – by Rabbi Shalom Muskat

With his dynamic personality and incredible musical and lyrical skills, Rabbi Shalom Muskat, a noted mechanech from Flatbush, has put together a masterpiece! The iPhone Song, (to the tune of MBD’s Kulam Ahuvim), written to satirize the technology age that we find ourselves in today, is filled with humor, a pumping rhythm, and a profound message hidden in its deep lyrics. It is sure to entertain, as well as inspire all of us when it comes to dealing with the challenges facing our generation.
Concept and lyrics by: Rabbi Shalom Muskat
Recorded, performed, mixed, and mastered by: Mendy Fisch @ Fischbowl Studios, Brooklyn, NY
Download the song FREE HERE!
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Way back in the stone age,
It wasn’t yet the phone age,
It was two cans and a string
Or you were all a lone-age
But nowadays we call,
All ppl large and small
If you don’t have a cell phone
You are Neanderthal
A cell phones a good start
But why not make it smart,
A phone that has a data plan
And is a work of art
My phone is so elite
The world is at my feet,
My life is now the internet
My life is now complete
Productivity, great efficiency,
Ill save so much time, now that I’m online,
Doing all my needs, at blazing 4G speeds,
Ill save so much time, now that I’m online,
I got my new device, for a gevaldige price,
The buttons are responsive and the screen is really nice.
For an entire day, I scroll and tap and play,
I’ve had 8 chats with Siri boy I cant put it away.
The next three days or four, I browse the itunes store,
I bought a hundred seven apps im buying 40 more.
I’m sure you will agree, this great technology,
Is gonna help me be, at peak efficiency.
The news I heard was great, a new firmware update, I think that ill install it now although its getting late.
And after this new patch, Ill install my apps from scratch,
the fact it took a day of life is such a minor catch.
It took me just a few more days I didn’t wanna fail
But now ive got my google docs and also google mail.
I got my contacts in my phone and also in the cloud,
I’m gonna save such time with that, I’ve never been so proud.
A few things my phone lacks, Ill fix them with some hacks,
I now can send an email to myself, not just a fax.
It only took six weeks, and several hacks and tweaks.
With input and suggestions from a hundred iphone geeks.
I have four thousand facebook friends I take them where I go
And if I have a sip of tea they are the first to know.
I pity all those backwards folks who don’t have facebook walls,
I’m sure it takes them so much time to make four thousand calls.
One day when I was loading apps, one thing led to the next, I emailed talked and tweeted and I sent another text,
I clicked on several videos, I surfed through several sites,
My nights turned into days, my days turned into nights.
One day my siri says to me “You need to get a life”
Are you sure you’re my siri, you sound just like my wife.
You haven’t seen your wifes face now, in over half a year,
Your children think that tatty bought a phone and disappeared.
You’ve really become selfish, think of yourself alone,
And maybe that’s the reason that they call it an Iphone.
I’m gonna help you one last time, my fine, time-saving chap,
I’m downloading for you right now, a great time-saving app.
When you click on this brand new app, your life will be your own,
when you click on this app my friend, it detonates your phone!
My life now is mine,
Now that I’m offline,
Life’s not undermined trying to save time
You can keep those vids, ill take my wife and kids,
Life’s not undermined just to save some time
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I’m very proud of my nephew, Mendy Fisch; he did a fantastic job…as usual! I do, however, have one criticism. The song is very cute, but it’s waaaaaaay
too long. Mos people (myself included)don’t have the patience to sit through a six minute song, especially a parody. Take it from someone who knows. 🙂
Special thanks to Mordechai Ben David for his permission to use his song!
Hey uncle….Leave all your complaining to the FJJ please. 😉
awesome and very inspiring song! this song brought tears to my eyes, both times I heard it. I heard this on the radio 2 weeks ago and was searching for this song. I contacted the radio and kept searching till they finally found it. I will definitely share it with others.
Thank you! I would love to hear anything else made by this composer. keep up the great work!
That’s “Uncle, Uncle Bo Bunkle” to you, kid.
I happen to disagree with you about the length of the song, UNCLE, and I think the lyrics are so good (and of course the singing, mixing, mastering, yada, yada, yada) that it is NOT too long. The length is perfect. So there. And yes, leave your complaining for the FJJ
Very well done! The song hit home. Extremely impressed – touched on the right points. Iphones are for teens and a normal adult should be embarrassed to have one and be on it all day….
this song was the most amazing song I have ever heard
really talks to teens THANK YOU!!!!
I DEF DEF agree with uncle. All the in between music with no words and having to wait to get to the point is almost unbearable…..
A lot of unnecessary music in between……
other than that- GREAT SONG! SERIOUSLY. nice choice of words. you can tell much thought was put into it.
Unbelievable message profound תכלית!
Awsome song +++ Unfortantly lyrics so true….
WOW fantastic song
Gr8 song…gr8 leeson….)
time was definitely put into the lyrics i’ll have to give you that….. but no one is that addicted to their iPhones and iPods… thats just impossible…. by the way i had to use the internet to find this song……my father has an iPhone and i know for a fact that he has not disappeared !!
Amazing song! Amazing lyrics! Amazing recording, performing, mixing and mastering! Now, if only, this would convince someone to get rid of their phone, we might have something here. Unfortunately, I doubt that will happen.
Duh!: I totally agree with you the fact she is unaware of how addicting a smartphone can be is ignorant, and I’ll bet she will be (hopefully not) an exhibit A of this song