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The Orot Band Presents: “Lomir Machen Kiddush” With Sruly Lipschitz & Malchus

The Orot Band Presents: “Lomir Machen Kiddush” With Sruly Lipschitz & Malchus

The OROT Band“, the peak orchestra of the Chassidic keyboardist Shai Barim serves an authentic performance of the contemporary hit ‘Lomir Machen Kiddush‘, which took place at a recent wedding in Kfar Rimon, Bnei Brak.

The soloist is none other than the songs source Sruly Lipschitz, the young nightingale from London who originally composed the song as a duet for his producer Avrum Mordche Schwartz from the United States.

Vocal accompaniment performed by the Malchus Choir under the direction and vocal arrangement of Pinchas Bichler.

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