Nachum Segal Presents Gershon Veroba and Live Music at JM in the AM
Nachum hosted the great Gershon Veroba , along with Larry Gates, Gal Gershovsky, Aryeh Kunstler and Shmuel “Berry” Weber to help celebrate the official debut of Gershon’s new CD “Second Impressions: Don’t Stop .” They played several of the new songs and performed live in the studio. Nachum opened the phone lines so the listeners could call in and ask questions and share their thoughts. .
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Nachum & Berry Weber
Nachum & Aryeh Kunstler
Gal Gershovsky on his “Drum Set”
Gershon & Larry jammin
Berry Weber, Larry “Aaron” Gates and Gershon
Berry Weber & Aryeh Kunstler
Larry & Gershon on Guitars
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