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New Music Video “Achoseini” By Yidi Bialostozky, Mendy Hershkowitz Band & Lev Choir, ft. Child Soloist Zevy Wertzberger

New Music Video “Achoseini” By Yidi Bialostozky, Mendy Hershkowitz Band & Lev Choir, ft. Child Soloist Zevy Wertzberger

Achoseini is a song about the bracha we wish the chosson and kallah at their wedding.
It was in honor of the wedding of my dear sister that I composed this song to which my friend, mentor and musical producer Mendy Hershkowitz wrote a brilliant symphonic arrangement. We are joined by the sweet voice of child soloist Zevy Wertzberger and the Lev Choir, led by my friend, Aba Berkowitz, who gave this song the artistic touch it needed.

I am dedicating this song to my sister and her chosson עמו”ש and to all of the chassanim and kallos who give me the opportunity to be mesameach on their special day.
Oif Simches! Enjoy!
– Yidi

Composed by: Yidi Bialostozky
Arranged by: Mendy Hershkowitz
Choirs by: Lev Choir
Child Soloist: Zevy Wertzberger
Stage Design: Lipa Feldman
Video Shooting: Motty Engel
Video Editing: InSight Studio
Post production: Moshe Kraus @MK Studios
Mixed and Mastered: V-Gold Beat Production
Digital Marketing By: Motty Klein @MusicOnTime

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