Min’i Koleich Mi’Bechi – Composed by R’ Yaakov Feingold Honoring Rochel Imeinu

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In honor of Mamme Rochel’s 3,570th Yahrzeit, here is an exquisite new song called “Min’i Koleich Bi’Bechi” written and composed in her honor by R’ Yaakov Feingold.
Featured Artist: Yoeli Greenfeld
Child Soloist: Shia Mendlowitz
Production: MK Studios
Musical Arrangements: Zisha Schnitzler
Mix & Master: Ruli Ezrachi
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Min’i KoleichMin’i Koleich Bi’BechiMK StudiosR’ Yaakov FeingoldRuli EzrachiShia MendlowitzYaakov FeingoldYoeli GreenfeldZisha Schnitzler Related Articles
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