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Matt Dubb – Ana “VIP Remix” feat. Itzik Dadya

Matt Dubb – Ana “VIP Remix” feat. Itzik Dadya

Ana is available for download and streaming;
iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, GooglePlay, Amazon Store and all other major digital stores.

Producer: Matt Dubb
Management: Ruli Ezrachi
Music: Matt Dubb
Vocals: Itzik Dadya
Vocal Arrangements / Synth Vox: Itzik Dadya
Songwriters: Yael Levi (Kalifa), Matt Dubb
Lyricist: Miriam Israeli, Matt Dubb
Artwork: Moshe Bienenfeld
Label: Dubbs Records / FMG Records

Tags assigned to this article:
Ana VIP RemixItzik DadyaMatt DubbRuli Ezrachi

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