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Lipa update on Big Event 2

Extra! Extra! Read all about it, right here on Lipa’s astoundingly, astonishingly, astronomically superb site!
After many major consultations, conferences and conventions on the subject, the next Big Event has been officially signed, sealed and secured! The staff at Madison Square Garden is already busily preparing the location round-the-clock for the occasion of the century.
Sheya Mendlowitz has once again teamed up with the unstoppable Lipa Schmeltzer to dazzle, daze and dumbfound their excited audience. This concert will headline under a different name – one that alludes to The Big Event, while still dignifying and respecting those Rabbanim who previously ruled against its taking place. Boruch Hashem, this time around, Lipa has secured the support and the approval of daas Torah for his unparalleled performances. Permission has been granted by a number of distinguished, chashuva Rabbanim, for Lipa to stage this newest musical phenomenon. Stay tuned for more thoroughly thrilling details!!

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Big EventLipaSheya Mendlowitz

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  1. LKJ
    LKJ 20 September, 2008, 23:54

    very nice

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