Levi Cohen With A New Single: “Shema”

Hashem is One, “Hashem Echad”, and the Jewish nation are one, “Goy echad ba’aretz”. This unity is etched within both ours and the Almighty’s Tefillin, alluding to a romantic relationship between a Nation and its Master, its King.
The tzaddikim teach that our essential unity is a product of the Godliness at the core of our collective soul – we are one because Hashem is One. The more we realize this oneness by looking past the external differences that divide us to achieve “ahavas Yisrael” – loving the spark of Jewishness, the irreducible goodness and holiness within every Jew – the more Godly we become, and the more Hashem will become revealed in our lives.
Yossi Shick & Mendy Portnoy working together to produce this amazing and artistic track – two artists joining as one. What a pleasure and honor to be part of this amazing group!
May we merit to reflect Hashem’s oneness and light, the light of faith and truth, to illuminate a darkened world!
Composed & Lyrics by: Levi & Ushi Cohen
Presented & Directed by: Yossi Shick Label
Music Produced by: Mendy Portnoy
Vocal Production by: Yossi Shick
Choirs Arranged by: Levi Cohen & Yanky Steinmetz
Mixed by: Udi Damari
Recorded @ Yanky Cohen Studios
Cover Design by: ArrangeIt.Media
Digital Marketing: Motty Klein @MusicOnTime
Many Thanks to Elya Greenhouse, Sruli Lipshitz & Yaakov Klein
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