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Kobi Brumer – Sh’foch Chamascha

Kobi Brumer – Sh’foch Chamascha

Singer Kobi Brumer, who is also one of the singers of the “Moetzet Ha’Shirah Ha’Yehudit”, is releasing a new song that is very appropriate to these days, as well as to the upcoming three weeks, called “Sh’foch Chamascha“.

The child singer featured on the song is Daniel Levi, who won first place in the Kol Ha’Nearim competition on Radio Kol Chai.

Composer: Benny Deutsch
Arranger: Adi Netaneli
Drums: Avi Avidani
Violins: Me’or Yotam
Choir Arrangements: Yanki Landau and Netanel Yisrael
Mix: Avi Zanu
Musical Advice: Dovid Kliger
Musical Production: Avigdor Meir

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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