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JudaBlue – Forty Days

JudaBlue – Forty Days


Based out of Silver Spring, MD, JudaBlue is a group of friends that got together from different high schools in 9th grade and began writing music and playing shows. We are now all in either Yeshiva or Freshman/Sophomores in University. We come from all sides of the religious perspective, ranging from Frum from Birth, to Baal Tshuva to Convert, and we all practice on different levels, but we all have the same goal of spreading light and exposing people to their own religion in a different way, a way that gets people thinking and understanding that Judaism is approachable by all and can even be connected to through a rock concert. We mainly sing and write about our personal experiences and struggles that we deal with daily in regards to connecting to Gd and Judaism in this modern world. We also take segments from Torah and bring them down in a personal way and retell the stories through our own interpretation, as in the case with the single off EP, Forty Days, where we talk about Noah’s emotional struggle to maintain the existence of life on earth. They like to categorize ourselves as Epic Jewish Rock, but we often venture out of our genre and into Funk, Raggae and Jazz. Songwriters- Shlomo Gaisin and Yaniv Hoffman. JudaBlue was the winning band by the Five towns Battle of the bands as well as having one of their songs, “Im Lo Aleh” featured on the Jerusalem United CD with many other established Jewish artists.

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