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JudaBlue- Falling [Official Music Video]

JudaBlue- Falling [Official Music Video]

Falling JudaBlue

An Epic attempt to bring heaven down to earth. Born and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland, JudaBlue is a group of five friends who realize that the passion for music and spirituality can be meshed and amplified through the monitors of a high energy rock concert. Well thought out and personally infused lyrics and music that try to portray and make other people realize that there is more to life than just life itself. We categorize our music as Jewish Rock, but the music and the message crosses all borders and is all in the same image. Help raise awareness of a lack of consciousness that has fallen over this world. Turn up your speakers and enjoy. Leave some love if you dig the music, and if you want us to play in your area let us know. [email protected]

Original music by JudaBlue

Members: Shlomo Gaisin, Yaniv Hoffman, Moti Schnapp, Danny Feinberg, Ravi Brooks

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  1. hash
    hash 17 April, 2011, 15:07

    Can someone post the full lyrics?

  2. Yanky W.
    Yanky W. 2 June, 2011, 01:16

    My father told me to see how my brothers were doing
    on the battlefield
    My brothers told me there’s an army that’s causing some trouble
    on the battlefield
    And I could see the sun and it was shining on the one who wants to hurt my fellow people
    And I could see that he was the antithesis of me and I must stand up for my people

    He was falling, ’till he shook the ground, thought his strength was all
    but he had nothing at all

    My brothers told me that I am not the one to go and fight him off ’cause I am not a warrior
    So i went to the king he said kid your just too young but if your truly sure take my armor and go to war
    But I could tell something was wrong going to fight with all the song cause all I needed was his name of war to win
    So I took five stones from the river aimed my slingshot and delivered the message right between his eyes, G-ds name ןמ disguise

    He was falling, till he shook the ground thought his strength was all
    but he had nothing at all

    Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad
    [All that I needed in order to win was pure declaration of my faith in Him,
    where faith stands even giants with fall]

    He was falling, till he shook the ground thought his strength was all
    but he had nothing at all

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