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JJ Fried presents Mazel Ubrocho

JJ Fried presents Mazel Ubrocho

JJ Fried presents “Mazel Ubrocho”. Its been nearly a decade since JJ Fried released a album. When asked the reason for doing so now he answered “I feel that people need and want a more simple album where the melody carries through without needing too many musical arrangements”. Mazel Ubrocho features brand new songs composed by the best in the biz; Yossi Green, Pinky Webber, Chaim Banet, Ruvi Banet & Yidi Shtroli. Add to that mix the vocals by Beri Weber, Shloime Taussig, Shloime Cohen, Michoel Schnitzler Nechemia Brodt and Shauly Waldner and you have a very well refined album as well. “I originally wanted to call the album “All About The Melody”, Its not that JJ hasn’t been involved in Jewish Music in the last 10 years, but that he has taken a behind the scenes roll. He’s a consult to the music industry on  a daily basis. From the biggest to the smallest people in the musical world for questions answers and ideas. I mean one can’t produce over 45 albums and then just go cold turkey. “This album has been unfinished for the last 8 or 9 years, says JJ”. “Now was the time to finish it and give the people the type of album they want”.

Available for purchase on

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