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Hofachto: The Hit Song From Avraham Fried Gets The Vocal Treatment

Hofachto: The Hit Song From Avraham Fried Gets The Vocal Treatment

For the days of the Omer editor and producer of the music program “Ketzef Hayom” Yisrael Solomon turned to Gilad Potolski and asked him to create a vocal version for the hit song “Hofachto” from Avraham Fried off his latest album Keep Climbing which has been one of the biggest hot songs of the last decade since its release over a year ago.

Potolski and his Shalheves Orchestra, recorded the the unique vocal version of the song without ANY musical instruments. We present the result below.

The program “Ketzef Hayom” airs every day at 12 noon on Radio Kol Chai and other radio stations.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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