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Hershy Rottenberg – Ich Bin A Yid (MeinLidel Melody #1)

Hershy Rottenberg – Ich Bin A Yid (MeinLidel Melody #1)

Hershy Rottenberg is no name i need to introduce. Popular composer of many hit songs currently being performed at every day Events & Simchas, on his way to his debut album releases a new series of singles released monthly for the next period of a year.

The new series entitled ‘MeinLidel’ are very warm, short but sharp melodies that were born through inspirational stories Hershy got to learn by traveling worldwide for performances and meeting other kinds of Yidden around the world.

Hershy performing at live events with his friend and colleague music arranger ‘Duvid Fink’ from Belgium Antwerp as duo, have collected some of these melodies and put them together in some sort of EP and will be releasing them as singles monthly. Hershy later turned to Yossi Shick from the known ‘Yossi Shick Label’ to help him with the release, once this is a bigger project Yossi took the new series under the label and is part of the team now to create the further rest of songs in the new series. Designer Yonatan Benet has been part of our team here to execute the projects vision to perfection, starting from the video concept, it’s design and animation, all well done.

Starting with song number 1 in the new series, let me present to you ‘Ich Bin A Yid’. This sweet and uplifting melody teaches us the quality’s and the privileges that we have that we were born and are part of the Jewish Nation, and nothing a Yid would do, has the ability to tear him apart from Hashem.

The music was beautifully arranged by Duvid Fink sung by Hershy, and was mixed by Chaim Moses.

Composed & Sung by: Hershy Rottenberg
Music Arranged by: Duvid Fink
Record Label: Yossi Shick Label
Mixed by: Chaim Moses
Video Concept & Design by: Yonatan Benet
Photography: Yonatan – Antwerp
Animation by: Chani Ezran – Ruach Acheret
Digital Marketing & PR: Arrange It Media / Yisroel Rosen

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