You Fall Down You Get Back Up – JOEY NEWCOMB (Official Audio)
You Fall Down You Get Back Up – JOEY NEWCOMB (Official Audio)
TTTO Berditchiver niggun
This song, originally written by the great Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, is heartwarming and definitely strikes a chord in anyone who hears it.
I play this song at most of my events–if not all of them.
At one such event my dear friend, Mike Mauss, introduced me to these words; “you fall down you get back up…”. And it stuck with me.
I started singing these words to this tune at many events, after which people would come over to me and express the inspiration they felt. They would ask “is there an official recording of this?”
I then realized the importance of the mission I was on. This is not my composition I just felt that people needed to have this to listen to. So here it is. Not fully produced not an ‘official single’. Just as beautifully raw as can be. I’m sure we all need to hear this message at some times, so enjoy.
Thank you Hashem for the Zchus
Thank you Doni Gross at DeG
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