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The Exciting New Hit From Yosef Karduner “Ki Sa’avor B’Mayim”

The Exciting New Hit From Yosef Karduner “Ki Sa’avor B’Mayim”

The lyrics to this song come from special Pesukim that both begin and end with the letter Chaf from sefer Yeshaya, and some Siddurim have them printed to be said on Motzei Shabbos. The rest of the lyrics are from Birchat Kohanim.

The song was composed by Micha’el Shitrit.
Solo Vocals: Yosef Karduner, Ari Goldwag and his son Moshe Dov Goldwag
Drums: Alon Yufah
Xylophone, Bass, and Clarinet: Mordechai Ado’Ni
Background vocals: Michael Shitrit
Accoustic and Electric guitars, Bass: Yosef Karduner
Mixing and Keyboards: Jeff Horovitz

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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