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Efraim Golan presents: “Hatzvi Yisrael” – Just in time for Yom Hazikaron

Efraim Golan, a 51 year old kibbutznik from Kibbutz Saad, is an amateur
composer. For him music is not a profession, but something that occupies
most of his time. His work in the media entails extensive traveling, long
journeys which he fills by composing unique Jewish music.

He discovered his talent for musical composition almost by accident. Copious
amounts of time spent listening to radio broadcasts during the expulsion from
Gush Katif and the Northern Shomron gave him quality time. In addition the
mood of melancholy and heartbreak prevalent at the time filled him with
musical inspiration. He began humming to himself, translating his thoughts
and feelings into sounds. "When I have a new tune going round and round in
my head, I rush to Yoni Shaham and introduce him to the son,." explains
Golan. "Yoni transposes the music into chords, then we begin the task of
production in the studio." Shaham, a member of Kibbutz Gevim, who worked
with "Lahakat Saad" in the 60’s, puts the finishing touches to the songs.

Close family members are involved throughout in the composition process
and serve as an internal quality control team for each and every song. In time
the songs will be sung at home, at shul, sometimes even throughout the

To date Efraim has composed dozens of songs, mainly lively, upbeat music
relating to Shabbat. Now with Yom Hazikaron on the horizon, Efraim Golan is
releasing his first official single performed by him – "Hatzvi Yisrael, Al
Bamoteicha Chalal". The style of the song is unique to Golan and the music
echoes our longing and pride in the State.

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Efraim Golan

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