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Dudi Knopfler feat. Mendy Worch: “Etzli Al Rosh Hashana”

Dudi Knopfler feat. Mendy Worch: “Etzli Al Rosh Hashana”

R’ Nachman M’Breslov famously says, that it’s a big ענין that one should make a כרוז (announcement) about Uman Rosh Hashana. The idea is that everybody should be זוכה to join in the tremendous experience that is Uman Rosh Hashana. Dudi Knopfler took this concept to the next level by releasing an amazing new song ״ביים רבי׳ן אויף ראש השנה״.

This song came about in an amazing way. About a week ago, Dudi was performing at a beautiful Kumzits in Manhattan; and was singing and playing around with some new tunes. As Dudi was playing a certain tune, one of the crowd members, talented singer Mendy Worch, approached Dudi and was very moved by this tune. Mendy added in his own melody to help create this beautiful song. After a few renditions of this song with the crowd clearly this was something special. After such an inspiring evening, Dudi and Mendy sat down and collaborated on this song. Dudi chose this amazing concept for the lyrics with the hope that it will inspire the listener with געגועים to the Heilige R’ Nachman M’Breslov and merit Simcha Kol Hashana!

Song sponsored by: Plan It Rite travel agency, 845-678-3555, [email protected], The “Rite” way to get to “Uman” Rosh Hashanah and all year around.

Song composed: Dudi Knopfler & Mendy Worch | Music arranged: Ephraim Berkowitz | Bass and keys: Ephraim Berkowitz | Guitar: Avi Singolda | Drums & Percussion: barak Ben Tzir | Shofer: Dany Flam | Choir: Yedidim International | Cover art: Yossi Holtzler (AdTrak design) | Video Graphics: Ari Lavy (Studio on dot) | Mix by: Ephraim Berkowitz, At Keybird studios Monroe ny | PR and New Media: Bahazit

Special thanks to Ephraim Berkowitz. The idea for this song came about a week ago, and nobody could have pulled this off better than you.

Tags assigned to this article:
Dudi KnopflerEtzli Al Rosh HashanaMendy Worch

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